Many of us have experienced the hard, biting grief of a miscarriage, and we know what it feels like to lose a precious child so early in his or her life.
But one up-and-coming young comedian has figured it all out for us, folks. It turns out that miscarriages don't mean anything, your baby wasn't real, and your grief is completely misplaced:
Here's what the entire thread says:
[I] don't think anybody actually believes fetuses are people. I think they're lying. There are almost 1,000,000 miscarriages each year in America, it happens to almost everybody. But we're not constantly getting invited to the funerals.
Nobody who says "abortion is murder" is out carrying signs that "and miscarriages are suicide."
Nobody who says a fetus is a life that god wanted to bring into the world talks about how a million times a year he just, uh, changes his mind.
Nobody's passing laws to reduce miscarriages, they're not holding rallies, and Justice Alito gave ZERO DOLLARS of his $4 million net worth toward research on aneuploidy, which causes 60% of them.
We rarely talk about miscarriages even though they happen to basically everybody you know. They're devastating, but not because of souls. Nobody talks about how they can't wait to be reunited with their fetus in heaven because they don't actually believe that.
Mr. Falcone's sneering dismissal of the countless losses mothers and fathers go through every year is quite obviously wrong and ridiculous on its face. We might point out a few specifics here for the sake of clarity:
- People have funerals for miscarried babies all the time. But it is completely unsurprising that Alex Falcone is not getting invited to those funerals. Why would you invite this man to a solemn observance of your deep and profound grief over the loss of your child? He'd probably just sit in the back and mock you for it.
- Many of us are actually waiting to be reunited with our children in heaven. Whatever else you can say about him, it is plainly obvious that Alex Falcone has not talked to very many women who have miscarried, if any at all.
- It is very true that "we rarely talk about miscarriages." This is a long-acknowledged and terrible aspect of our society. Our society's beliefs and values have largely made it so that women keep their mouths shut about their miscarriages. Why would any mother want to speak up about the loss of her child when people like Alex Falcone literally accuse them of lying about the way they feel?
- Nobody thinks miscarriages are "suicide" in the same way that nobody believes cancer, or strokes, or heart attacks are suicides. Miscarriages generally result from unanticipated and incurable genetic deficiencies. That's not suicide. It is sad, heartbreaking, awful, and miserable—but it's not suicide. How deliberately shallow do you have to be to refuse to see that?
We would gently suggest that Alex stick to comedy. We have no idea if he's any good at that and we have no plans to find out, but he can't be any worse at comedy than he is at this.
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