I promise this isn't satire!
In case you're still doubting, yes, this is real.
Frankly, I wish CNN wouldn't hold back from what they really want to say.
First on CNN: Glorious Leader Biden makes sun rise in east
The only way to unhitch scientific study from political influence is to take away governmental financial incentives and have all academic study privately funded. Even then, there would have to be a wide array of donors to ensure private interests aren't promoted over objective inquiry.
This has never and will never happen in the history of the world, since kings and lords have always wanted the greatest and best technology with which to amass more power and defeat their foes.

Here's what the article had to say:
The Biden administration is calling on government agencies to strengthen their policies against inappropriate political influence when it comes to the science that guides decision-making, according to a new report.
The report was written by the administration's interagency scientific integrity task force and first obtained by CNN on Tuesday. It found that instances of political influence are relatively infrequent in federal policymaking, but -- when they do occur -- they tend to do the most damage in eroding the public's trust in government.

So... Did the last two years not happen to CNN?
The President of the U.S. is literally trying to fire people from their jobs and make them destitute if they don't get an experimental vaccine that doesn't stop transmission for a virus that's unlikely to kill them.
And that's just one of the examples of how #SCIENCE has been used as a political cudgel since 2020 for leftist politicians to silence and destroy their opponents.
The task force used the report to point to examples of when scientific integrity policies were undermined during the Trump administration, including in the administration's response to the Hurricane Dorian map scandal and its push to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census.
Ah, there it is. They want to reduce inappropriate political influence by REPUBLICANS on science, because Democrats are of course always right. Got it.
The report is the product of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy's Scientific Integrity Task Force, which the Biden administration formally launched last spring to review the federal government's scientific policies and whether they prevent improper political interference.
This is like having a fox guard the henhouse. It's absolutely bonkers.
But bonkers is just the normal state of the world now!
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