Haitian politician demands reparations and respect at UN, immediately gulps water out of pitcher and spills it ๐Ÿ˜‚
ยท Sep 27, 2024 ยท NottheBee.com


That's Edgard Leblanc Fils, a former Haitian senator who was appointed to lead the Presidential Transition Council in the midst of Haiti's ongoing chaos.

The former president was assassinated in July 2021. You won't be surprised that four of the people charged with the assassination - three Haitians and a Columbian - were arrested in the United States because we don't have a border.

It's partially because of the global reporting about Springfield, Ohio (we did it lads), that ol' Edgard got up in front of the United Nations to demand respect for his people.

"False claim."

They love that phrase!

So you gotta love that Edgard got up there to demand "respect and dignity," along with billions in reparations from those evil white colonizers:

And then proceeded to drink out of a huge jug of water that spilled down his front.

My guy, they put the huge pitcher of water up there so you can pour it into a cup. That is not a communal water jug for everyone to put their mouths on!

Three things can be true at once:

  1. You can respect Haitians as fellow humans made in the image of God and desire to help them in their destitution - my church sponsors a village in Haiti for this purpose.

  2. You can also believe it is bad to import them en masse to Ohio without any buy-in from the local community.

  3. You can also laugh at politicians when they clown themselves.

Anyway, based on this level of competence drinking water, I guess we now know why Haitians are crashing into Americans all over America:

P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐Ÿ‘‡

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