Hunter Biden just got slapped with new tax-evasion charges (guess how much he spent on “adult entertainment”)
· Dec 8, 2023 ·

I don't really think this guy's got any shortage of crimes to be nabbed for, do you?

The Winter 2023 indictment, ladies and gents:

A federal grand jury returned a nine-count indictment today charging Robert Hunter Biden (Hunter Biden) with three felony tax offenses and six misdemeanor tax offenses.

Out of California, no less!

The DOJ claims that Hunter "engaged in a four-year scheme in which he chose not to pay at least $1.4 million in self-assessed federal taxes he owed for tax years 2016 through 2019."

Among the charges: Four "failures to pay," two "failures to file," two felony false return filings, and felony tax evasion.

The specific details of these charges are themselves rather incredible; prosecutors claim Hunter, variously:

  • "subverted the payroll and tax withholding process of his own company by withdrawing millions outside of the payroll and tax withholding process;"
  • "willfully failed to pay his 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 taxes on time, despite having access to funds to pay some or all of these taxes;"
  • "when he did finally file his 2018 returns, included false business deductions in order to reduce the very substantial tax liability he faced as of February 2020."

And look at this:

Yeah, nearly $200,000 for porn, strippers, and hookers - and triple that amount to "various women."

Remember how Hunter said he couldn't pay child support for his daughter Navy because he didn't have enough money?

If convicted, the president's son "faces a maximum penalty of 17 years in prison."

You can read the indictment here.

More likely, Hunter will get less time, because let's be real - the DOJ might have made him the sacrificial lamb to distract from the Biden family empire and make it look like Trump's indictments are fair, but Joe isn't gonna let him serve a maximum sentence.

That's reserved for people who shook fences at the Capitol!

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