The publishing industry is nothing but woke monsters trying to corrupt the youth and change reality to suit their imagined world.
They rewrite classic books, like those of Roald Dahl, to make them more woke, then they turn around and publish woke, anti-reality, children's books like this:
SHE persisted? She??

Yes, this is a very real book from Penguin Random House!
Brought to you by the same folks who published the Chelsea Clinton political screed "She Persisted," this new book featuring Rachel Levine, a dude, is a sort of sequel to the Clinton book.
Here's how Penguin summarizes the book:
As the first openly transgender government official to hold an office that requires Senate confirmation, the first openly transgender four-star officer in uniform service, and the first female four-star admiral in the commissioned corps, Rachel Levine faced many obstacles throughout her life. But she persisted through them all and showed kids of all genders that they can succeed in their dreams too.In this chapter book biography by critically acclaimed author Lisa Bunker, readers learn about the amazing life of Rachel Levine – and how she persisted. Complete with an introduction from Chelsea Clinton, black-and-white illustrations throughout, and a list of ways that readers can follow in Rachel Levine's footsteps and make a difference! A perfect choice for kids who love learning and teachers who want to bring inspiring women into their curriculum.
And don't miss out on the rest of the books in the She Persisted series, featuring so many more women who persisted, including Sonia Sotomayor, Margaret Chase Smith, Patsy Mink, and more!
I hope there's a chapter in the book about the extremely difficult trial Levine faced when named the Babylon Bee "Man of the Year"!
A truly stunning achievement.