If seeing his shadow means 6 more weeks of winter, what does dying mean?
It was a somber Groundhog Day in Canada, as Fred la marmotte – the beloved groundhog who predicted weather – was found dead hours before he could take part in his annual tradition.
The Groundhog Day event in Val-d'Espoir, Quebec in eastern Canada began Thursday morning with music and dancing, but as it came closer for Fred to make his weather prediction, event organizers told the crowd of the groundhog's death.
"In life, the only thing that's certain is that nothing is certain," said event organizer Roberto Blondin. "Well, this year it's true. It's true and it's unfortunate. I announce to you the death of Fred."
So how did Canada make this year's prediction?
In Fred's place, a child with a groundhog hat was called up on the stage and was handed a toy groundhog. The child declared the shadow could be seen, so this year will have a delayed spring.
Yeah, I'm not sure that counts.
Fred was nine years old – much older than the expected three years a groundhog normally survives. It's likely the old man died as he went into hibernation late last fall.
It probably means nothing.
Still, with the way things are headed in Canada...
Anyway, here in the States it's also 6 more weeks of winter!
Here's the rest of what you missed on Groundhog's Day:

Here's the rest of what you missed on Groundhog's Day:

Here's the rest of what you missed on Groundhog's Day:

Here's the rest of what you missed on Groundhog's Day:

Here's the rest of what you missed on Groundhog's Day:

Here's the rest of what you missed on Groundhog's Day:

Here's the rest of what you missed on Groundhog's Day:

Here's the rest of what you missed on Groundhog's Day:

Here's the rest of what you missed on Groundhog's Day:

Here's the rest of what you missed on Groundhog's Day: