Here's Kevin McCarthy taking a swipe at his own party for being too white and looking like a "country club" while speaking at Oxford
ยท Dec 9, 2023 ยท

With Kevin McCarthy being ousted as Speaker and quitting his job in Congress, it's probably worth pointing out that he doesn't seem to like his fellow Republicans or the people he represents.

Like, at all.

Here's McCarthy at the Oxford Union a few weeks ago delivering a foreign policy talk and, inexplicably, taking a swipe at his own party while praising Democrats.

Yes, Democrats "look like America" and Republicans look like a restrictive country club, so proclaims McCarthy while wearing a Tuxedo and speaking in front of Oxford University.

Even for the Republican "conservative" Speaker of the House, being white is a bad thing and the MOST important part of being an American is diversity of skin tone.

This dude was the TOP Republican and he looks at the world through a Critical Race Theory lens!

Auron MacIntyre has thoughts:

This is the Republican Party.

You need to remember that when selecting who you're sending to DC.

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