Here's the first photos and video of SBF in handcuffs as the crypto bro was arrested and denied bail
· Dec 14, 2022 ·

You love to see it:

It only took 'em a few weeks to finally arrest him!

Imagine if this dude had spoken out against graphic sex books in a school board meeting or prayed outside an abortion clinic instead of embezzling billions to fund his League of Legends habit and his oceanside sex mansion.

I bet the FBI would have been over him in SECONDS!

Fortunately, the crypto dweeb has been denied bail.

His rich parents reportedly had a totally-normal reaction to his arrest.

Meanwhile, over in Congress where hearings on SBF's company FTX are getting underway, Democrat Maxine Waters (who is leading the investigation) tried to undermine the investigation into the company:

I wonder why? 🤔

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