Phillip O'Brien was flying home with his wife and three kids when a woman in her underwear ran down the aisle and tried to open the cockpit door.
When she yelled, "Allahu Akbar," the passengers began to panic.

The woman was traveling with children, and as she came back from the cockpit she asked them, "Are you ready to die?"
Then she informed the passengers that her parents were members of ISIS and that she had explosives that she was going to use to explode the plane.
Admittedly, at this point in the story, I would be that passenger thinking through the logistics of the plan and wondering exactly where the nearly naked woman was keeping said explosives.

But our hero dad wasn't interested in whether the crazy lady was bluffing or not, nor exactly where in her lingerie she'd hidden the bombs, he just wanted to make sure his kids made it on to the ground safely.
So he flagged down a staff member and asked,
Why have you not put her to the floor?
The staff member replied,
We're not able to.
When the crazy lady stormed the cockpit a second time, O'Brien took care of business, ran up the aisle, and pinned her down. He then helped the staff secure her in a seat.
There was no indication whether or not the woman actually had any explosives, but the flight made an emergency landing in Paris to offload the "disruptive passenger," so I'm guessing the threat to blow everyone up was part of a delusional break down the poor lady was having.
Hopefully, she'll get the help she needs.
Shout out to Not the Bee user @venisonchili for the heads up on this story!
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