Mock DUI demonstration meant to educate high school kids on the dangers of drunk driving interrupted by ACTUAL drunk driver who almost ran over the students

Well this is ironic:

I bet a lot of us remember this "mock DUI crash" demonstration from high school. You had the wrecked car, the emergency vehicles, and the lucky student who had been chosen to be the mock drunk driver. Police and firefighters rushed to the scene of the car wreck to investigate, and sometimes they announced the mock drunk driver's death. And sure, the event was very educational, but it was also very scary—and it was meant to be.

Well, if you thought the demonstration at your high school seemed scary, you should've been there last week in Ashland, Ohio when during the mock DUI demonstration...

A brown SUV suddenly entered the driveway at a high rate of speed...and slammed on its brakes, coming within inches of hitting students watching the demonstration.

How's that for a wakeup call?

And this driver, a 65-year-old man, wasn't even part of the show.

Dude literally almost ran over a crowd of high schoolers who were learning the dangers of drunk driving...WHILE DRUNK DRIVING!!


And check this out:

As students approached the driver, he rolled down his window and began yelling at them. Students said they smelled alcohol on the driver's breath and ran to school staff to notify them of the situation.

That's a real-world lesson right there!

And I think this may have a greater impact on the kids than any mock demonstration could've ever had.

But the story goes on (and gets slightly worse)…

As sheriff's deputies called for backup, the driver of the SUV revved his vehicle, backed up, turned and sped to the back of the parking lot, where he was met by a deputy and blocked from escaping until backup arrived.

The man then resisted officers as they handcuffed him and put him in one of their vehicles.

How embarrassing!

One more thing: when police searched the man's vehicle they found a container of homemade alcohol and a plastic bottle which also had liquor in it.

What a story!

I'm still surprised that this guy wasn't part of the demonstration.

Lesson learned, kids!

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