HOLY COW! Unbelievable Video Shows Police Rescue Pilot Who Crash Landed Moments Before A Train Obliterates His Plane 😱
· Jan 10, 2022 · NottheBee.com

I promise you, this will be the most incredible video you watch today.

This old man flying a small airplane crash-landed in Los Angeles on some railroad tracks. Police came to help extract the injured pilot from the plane and dragged the man to safely mere moments before a train barreling down the tracks absolutely smashed the plane to little pieces.

Watch the video from Reuters that shows the dramatic rescue:

[Warning: Graphic]




The first part of the video shows the police body cam footage of the accident. Police were struggling to pull the man from the already twisted wreckage and got the man clear literally 5 seconds before it would have been too late.

You can see the suspense of the situation up-close and how calm and cool these officers acted in this situation.

The second video was from a bystander who thought he was standing at a safe distance from the oncoming wreck.

This man taking the video appeared to be just a couple of feet from being killed himself, you see the giant piece of airplane whoosh right past him and another bystander.

The men taking the second video are okay.

The man who crashed the plane, however, can thank God that LA's finest were on the scene and willing to risk life and limb to save his life!

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