Conservatives have been losing the culture war for my entire life.
And we all know it.
There are many posts like this acknowledging this reality, and as our culture slides further into insanity thanks to spineless squishes with no goals beyond waiting 5 years to adopt whatever woke idea becomes mainstream, tweets like this cut deeper.
But some people have an idea about how to change this reality:
Begin to fight.
MacIntyre goes on:
This is particularly true in the culture war where concepts like "viewpoint neutrality" served as a rearguard action for movement that was already abandoning the political arena Conservatives convinced themselves that their principles justified their cowardice.
Failure was a sign of honor, that's how we got to David French Christianity.
It is your duty to lose and be persecuted, Christendom is a sin for which American must atone by sacrificing itself on the altar of social justice.
This is why we see the left picking up the idea of Christian nationalism as the new boogie man.
They've already tied the idea of caring about your country to fascism and you can justify anything in the name of fighting Nazis, so just do the same to Christianity.
Make wanting to see your values reflected in the governance of your community akin to the third reich.
Conservatives have already bought that argument against all of their other principles why wouldn't it work against Christianity?
So what are we?
Are we weak isolationists who want to be left alone?
Or are we fighters willing to put it all on the line to actually conserve our values and build a better civilization to leave our children?
This doesn't mean we adopt the violent ideology of "might makes right" that the Left holds – the belief that all relationships are based solely on power transactions. No. We are the people who believe that family and friendship are not Marxist hierarchy plays, but spiritual components that require sacrifice and emptying ourselves of power – core elements of humanity that define us and bind us together in ways the woke simply cannot understand.
We are the husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, brothers, and sisters who understand that there is no greater love than to lay down our lives for our friends.
The woke can't even define "woman."
So I don't know about you, but I am ready to fight.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇