The Washington Free Beacon has done a rundown on Hunter Biden's wild ride, the 48 hours leading up to him purchasing a handgun that's landed him in hot water with federal prosecutors, and all I can say is: Hoo boy!

Here's the first paragraph, the summary, from the Free Beacon's reporting:
In the 48 hours before Hunter Biden's handgun purchase that is now under investigation by federal prosecutors, President Joe Biden's troubled son was being hounded about hundreds of thousands of dollars he owed in debts, juggling texts from his brother's widow and her sister, who were also his lovers, and coordinating what appears to be a drug deal at a local 7-Eleven with a man saved in his phone only as "Q."

There's a lot going on here. If you pitched it to Hollywood they'd find it too wild and far-fetched. The son of the former VP and future President was involved in a love triangle with his brother's widow and her sister, had gotten into hundreds of thousands in debt, tried to get bailed out by his powerful daddy, illegally purchased a gun, and arranged a drug deal all in a two-day period.
It's simply not believable.
But that's the apparent reality of Hunter Biden's life in 2018.
Biden was texting "Q" cryptically to try to set up some sort of apparently illegal arrangement, here are some of the texts found on the infamous laptop from the dates in question:
This was AFTER Wells Fargo had sent Biden an alert that he was behind on nearly $65,000 in credit card debt.
But, druggie gonna drug, he allegedly made the deal after withdrawing $800 cash from an ATM:
Hours after his first text to Q, Elizabeth Secundy, Hallie Biden's sister, asked Hunter Biden to wire her money. Hunter Biden had sexual relationships with both Hallie Biden and Secundy, whom he texted to say he had wired $2,200.
"Thank you!!!! I love you," Secundy replied.
The next day played out similarly. At 5:25 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 11, Hunter Biden's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle texted him indicating he had failed to wire $6,000 owed to her. Hunter Biden ignored her, responding instead to Q.
This is a totally messed up man.
It's tragic, really.
Hunter Biden also had late lunch plans with his daughter Finnegan in Philadelphia. During the drive there, he checked in with Hallie.
"I love you so much my secrets girl," Hunter Biden texted his brother's widow. "I love you and love you too much for you to understand why I'm so sad sorry angry overwhelmed and incapable of making you feel like you have any chance of being the you you've always shown the real world."
Hunter Biden was sending money to family members left and right, thousands at a time.
Meanwhile, Hunter owed $800,000 in back taxes to the IRS and was notified of it during this same 48-hour period while he was arranging secret deals with Q and flattering his "secret lover," the widow of his deceased brother, and sending her thousands.
Hunter ended up losing one of his phones and then, the next morning, went to the AT&T store to purchase a new phone. This is when he also purchased the handgun in question.
On his application to purchase the handgun, Biden indicated that he was NOT on drugs. This was almost certainly a lie.
The investigation was opened because, in his memoir, Hunter Biden clearly states that he WAS on drugs during this time – smoking crack "every 15 minutes." And his actions in the 48 hours leading to the purchase also indicate that he was clearly still addicted to crack.
Hallie Biden, Beau's widow and Hunter's "secret lover," threw the gun away into a trash can a few days later, creating even more problems for Hunter after it was found by an older man looking for bottles who turned it over to authorities, alerting the FBI to Hunter's many problems.
The incident sent Hunter Biden into a rage. He told Hallie Biden that she had given the FBI, which was investigating the missing handgun, the impression that he was "an abusive pedophile with homicidal tendencies."
Well, if the shoe fits...
This is the man who is hanging around the White House and traveling with Joe Biden to important international functions to this very day.
These allegations are absolutely disgusting, and it's truly astonishing that Hunter Biden still has access to the White House.