I absolutely love how much Trump hates low water pressure ๐Ÿ˜‚
ยท Jun 17, 2024 ยท NottheBee.com

We talked recently about all of the silly regulations Democrats put on appliances, and how they ruin your everyday life with their nit-picky rules. Trump, being a regular dude, understands your pain.

You ever go into a new home where you have a shower, where the water doesn't come out of the shower head? They put a restrictor on. I took all the restrictors off. I took them off.

I love the picture in my head of Trump personally removing the water restrictors from people's shower heads.

I've had the experience. I take a shower. I want that beautiful head of hair to be nice and wet. Lather. I want it to be lathered beautifully. And I get the best stuff you can buy. And I dump it all over, and I'm. And then I turn on the water and that d--- water drips out. I can't get this stuff out of my hair.

This is what the world has been craving for so long. Insight into the shower and hair routine of the world's most famous and brilliant head of hair.

He needs the higher water pressure!

He needs the rinse!

His hair is precious!

We'll turn it back on on the first day!

I mean, what can you say about a guy like Trump?

He's certainly locked up the Seinfeld, Kramer, and Newman vote - I can tell you that!

P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐Ÿ‘‡

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