Clinton advisor Dick Morris had a guy in underwear stroll through the background of his Iowa Caucus interview with Newsmax and I’m not sure I want to know 😭
· Jan 17, 2024 ·

Not sure there's any explanation for this that isn't really, really weird:

Newsmax viewers were left confused Monday night when a mysterious half-dressed man appeared behind political commentator Dick Morris midway through an interview on Trump's Iowa caucus win.

As Morris spoke to the camera, the man opened a door behind him - emerging from what looked like a large closet or a garage - and walked out, never breaking stride.

See for yourself, folks. It's true.

Dude just walks through on national TV like it ain't no thang.

Some people are saying it's his wife's brother and honestly, I'm gonna go with that cuz I don't want to know more.

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