A new "black face of white supremacy" just dropped!
· Jan 4, 2023 · NottheBee.com

I'd like everyone here to meet the new black face of white supremacy (sorry, Larry Elder).

Here is Lauren Boebert slamming McCarthy, the establishment favorite, while nominating Byron Donalds.

See, Cori Bush wants us to know that Byron Donalds, the black Republican who has now been nominated for Speaker of the House by a conservative cohort standing against McCarthy, is not really black, however.

If Republicans try to put forward the first black Speaker it's not progress. It's not a good thing. It's actually a ploy to uphold WHITENESS!!!

[Insert scary Nazi laughs]

Because Lord knows a black man can't have a conservative opinion! The aNti-RaCisTs say black men are only allowed to be liberal!

I hope the Squad's unvarnished racism drives Congress to come to this conclusion:

I don't know if Byron has a chance, but just to watch the liberal heads explode and the establishment Republicans cringe will be totally worth it.

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