Iceland is one of the most gender-equal countries in the world. Guess what women are protesting there right now?
· Oct 26, 2023 ·

So weird that after decades of relentless feminist appeasement and gender equity ideology, a country's hardline feminist bloc still isn't satisfied.

I mean, odd, right?

The prime minister joined other women in Iceland on a strike to call attention to the remaining inequalities in their society even though the country ranks highest globally in terms of gender parity.

The protest, in which women are encouraged to stop working for a full day, is intended to highlight challenges including a gender pay gap, the uneven burden of unpaid work within the home and violence that still afflicts women disproportionately.

So these women feel like they're not being fully valued at work, and their response is to...leave their jobs for a day?

Sorry, I meant to say women and men who dress like women aren't being fully valued:

"Women and nonbinary people" 🤡

So the pay gap based on sex is a thing... but also "male" and "female" aren't real and there are infinity billion genders... but also we need to give women more money because men earn more...


In reality (you know, the place that the rest of us occupy), we know that the "pay gap" is largely a myth, and that when you control for men's and women's choices, hours worked, education, and leave decisions, the "gap" narrows to barely a percentage point or two.

These facts are so obvious that even mainstream U.S. media acknowledge them:

Indeed, even the people organizing these things tacitly acknowledge that it's all bunk:

The main reason for the gender disparity in Iceland, according to Thorbergsdottir, is line of work, with female dominated sectors offering lower salaries. Another problem is that women bear more of the burden at home, including the mental load.

Those sound like... choices. Just choices. That's it.

Don't be fooled by "pay gap" myths, even if an entire country of women (and men in dresses) go on strike over them.

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