This weekend the collectible world was abuzz about an auction featuring a Cheeto in the shape of the Pokemon Charizard.
And now that the dust in the arena has settled a clear victor has emerged.
Someone paid $87,840 for a Cheetoh.

That's roughly the price of a luxury car in exchange for a bit of fried cornmeal and red dye.
While it's not the most ever spent for a Cheeto, it is the most spent on a Pokemon-shaped Cheeto.
The next nearest Pokemon-shaped Cheeto was a Pikacheeto that sold for $25,000.
At this point, there's only one thing that can redeem whoever these people are wasting their money like this.
The Cheetozard trainer must challenge the Pikacheeto trainer to a proper battle to see whose Cheeto is the best!

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇