Well, isn't that special?
The Bureau of Labor Statistics released the latest inflation news on Wednesday. Inflation for August was only 2.5%, which was lower than July's 2.9%. The August inflation amount represents the lowest monthly amount in three years.
Not all is honey and roses though, especially if you like food.
First, inflation still hasn't cooled enough to a point where the Federal Reserve can safely cut interest rates, which I'm sure they wanted to do before the election.
Second, there's the problem of housing, which remains insanely expensive to the point that Americans simply cannot afford basic things like a starter home. The influx of millions of migrants is making this situation far worse as the market for available homes shrinks thanks to illegals that are flush with federal tax dollars.
Third, there's the issue of food.
The cost of food, especially at restaurants, continues to increase, despite general overall good inflation news. Staples such as eggs, frozen juices and beef are significantly more expensive than a year ago. Eggs are up 28% from last year!
And overall, prices at the grocery store are still more than 20% higher (at minimum) than when Kamala took office.
The good news? That stray cat wandering the neighborhood is free!

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