Intelligence indicates Hamas spent YEARS using landlines in Gaza tunnels to plan the attack against Israel
ยท Oct 25, 2023 ยท

It certainly seems like attacks such as that on Israel this month just come out of nowhere.

But they require huge amounts of major planning. Case in point:

Intelligence shared with the United States suggests a small cell of Hamas operatives planning the deadly surprise attack on Israel communicated via a network of hardwired phones built into the network of tunnels underneath Gaza over a period of two years, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

The phone lines in the tunnels allowed the operatives to communicate with one another in secret and meant they could not be tracked by Israeli intelligence officials, the sources told CNN.

Now, I don't know about you, but when I think of "tunnels," I think of, you know, very simple things, just lateral holes dug in the dirt โ€” the sort of thing I might've tried to dig in my backyard when I was a kid.

Nope. Hamas builds legit networks of tunnels underground:

No wonder they can run wire through it:

(This explains why the US spec ops in Israel that the White House seemingly doxxed looked to be CTAC operators, specialized forces that excel in subterranean combat.)

Intelligence indicates that "the small cell operating in the tunnels used the hardwired phone lines to communicate and plan the operation but stayed dark until it was time to activate and call on hundreds of Hamas fighters to launch the October 7 attack."

The terrorists "avoided using computers or cell phones" for two years in order to avoid attracting attention from Israeli military officials.

Indeed, it sounds like these guys just used good old-fashioned nefarious planning in order to keep the whole treacherous plot secret:

Hamas hid the planning of the operation through old-fashioned counterintelligence measures such as conducting planning meetings in person and staying off digital communications whose signals the Israelis can track in favor of the hardwired phones in the tunnels.

Sadly, it worked. Let's hope Israel can get down there and do to those tunnels precisely what they should:

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