Interviewer can't stop laughing after climate activist says people shouldn't be traveling to places like Fiji then admits she recently flew to Fiji
· Sep 28, 2022 ·

Izzy Cook, a Greta Thunberg wannabe from New Zealand, did a radio interview the other day and the interaction is just too hilarious.

Cook complains that people shouldn't be jet-setting around for vacations if they really care about the planet. The interviewer then perfectly set Cook up for the most epic self-own you've ever heard.

Interviewer: Am I allowed to go to Fiji, is that necessary?

Cook: In the current climate crisis, I don't think that that's necessary.

Interviewer: When was the last time you were on a plane?

Cook: Mmm, I'm not sure maybe a few months ago, to be honest.

Interveiwer: Where'd you go?

Cook: Fiji...

The interviewer is so shocked! It is absolutely hilarious!

YOU shouldn't be able to fly to Fiji without special permission because of the climate crisis. But this activist just flew there and it's totally fine because she's doing something about the climate crisis.

I love that this reporter, who is obviously somewhat pro-global warming propaganda, can't help but mock Cook's answer to the question after she gets over her laughter.

Interviewer: Izzy! Don't you care about the climate Izzy?!

Cook: Of course I care about the climate!

Interviewer: Not enough! You went to Fiji! You went to Fiji-hehehehehe! Izzy! Come on, mate! Are you serious?! Hahahahahahaha! Are you serious Izzy?! Hahahaha!

It just gets worse from there.

Her hypocrisy continues to be exposed and she makes excuses. She's not embarrassed that her parents did that to the planet. She's not upset they made the trip. She had a good time.

It's all about controlling what YOU do.

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