It Spreads! Watch Video Of New Convoys In Israel And Italy Protesting Their Governments' Vax Mandates
· Feb 15, 2022 ·

Truckers in Canada have been staging one of the largest political protests in recent memory in Ottawa with what's been dubbed the "Freedom Convoy" to protest vax mandates for workers in Canada.

Well, when people see a protest like this one working, it is bound to spread.

And spread it has.

Here's video of a new convoy, this time in Israel, where truckers are protesting for the same purpose.

Truckers have descended upon Jerusalem and they are letting their government know that the Covid restrictions have gone too far.

The same thing is happening in Italy. Although it's on a different scale, this video is from Naples:

In Italy, bus drivers and tourist vehicles are protesting vax mandates in their industry.

Freedom is spreading even faster than Covid! These demonstrations are a sign that people have finally had enough and it's time to get EVERYONE back to normal.

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