Jaguar is learning a late lesson here that they should have already known: Go woke, go broke.
After their latest ad campaign which was freakish and bizarre, the stocks for the British automaker took a serious tumble.
The notion that the new direction would lead to Jaguar's downfall was seemingly confirmed by the fact the car maker's parent company, Tata Motors (NSE: TATAMOTORS), experienced a price drop in the 24-hour charts in the Indian national stock exchange and the BSE.
As the writers of this story point out, the Indian-owned British car manufacturer is just a small part of Tata Motors, so the drop in stock may not only be due to Jaguar.
And the trend has been negative since August for the entire brand.
However ... do they really expect us to think this disastrous and embarrassing ad had NO impact?
Still, the fact that the recent showing of Jaguar's marketing department likely had no bearing on Tata stock's performance doesn't mean it will not eventually have a negative impact.
The first and most direct risk is that, as many commentators threatened, a social media and boycott campaign will target the brand.
The bigger danger, however, is that Jaguar's overall rebranding will not stick the landing. The firm has initiated a major pivot to electric vehicles (EVs), with three models scheduled for release by 2026. It also changed its famous logo and is now stylized as JaGUar - a fact likely to cause even more mockery online.
This rebrand, the stupidest logo swap ever and the androgynous colorful sledgehammer weirdos branding, might not stick the landing?
You took the luxury brand that was iconic and made it into a clown show. Yeah, I'm sorry, it might not stick the landing.

I still don't know what the ads have to do with cars.
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