This was ALMOST the coolest thing I've seen in an NFL game in a long time.
Heck, just the attempt is incredible.
Watch as Philadelphia Eagles' Jalen Carter nearly intercepts a spiked ball from the Chiefs' Patrick Mahomes:
A spike is supposed to be one of the simplest plays in football. It's just throwing the ball into the ground to stop the clock.
Jalen Carter did something I've never seen in my life and dove BETWEEN THE CENTER'S LEGS to try to catch the spiked ball before it hit the ground!

I've watched the video like a thousand times. In all my years watching football I've never seen anything like it!
Watch the offensive line for the Chiefs! They're all standing around, looking at Carter diving under the center's legs like, "what the heck is going on???"
They were perplexed!
After the game, Carter explained his thoughts behind the play:
I saw it on the internet, I've seen it on YouTube, some high school kid tried, and he actually caught the ball. I thought, 'That's a good idea,' I knew they would spike it, so I tried to go for it."
And it ALMOST worked!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇