James Cameron says Thanos got it right—half of humanity ought to be wiped out
· Feb 21, 2023 · NottheBee.com

In an interview with Time, James Cameron sat down and talked about his second environmental opus Avatar: Way of the Water.

While, you don't have to sit through much of Avatar to know that Cameron is an anti-human environmentalist, it was odd to hear the most successful director in Hollywood history identify with the big bad of the Marvel cinematic universe and advocate for genocide:

I can relate to Thanos. I thought he had a pretty viable answer. The problem is nobody is going to put up their hand to volunteer to be the half that has to go.

Of course, Cameron is not all alone in his villainous views. "Thanos Was Right" has been a popular zeitgeist on the internet since the 2018 release of Marvel's Infinity War. So much so, that the phrase even showed up in the Hawkeye series on Disney+.

A lot of the push from the WEF and other environmental causes these days are following the ideals of Paul Ehrlich, who holds to a Malthusian view and thinks the ideal population of the Earth is about 1.5 to 2 billion (which if you're keeping track means a reduction of way more than half of the humans on the planet).

On the other side of the coin, there are people like Lyman Stone and Jeff Bezos who think technology advancement can lead to a near limitless human population and deal with any environmental issues too.

All those philosophies aside, I can't help but wonder where Cameron thinks the viewers that have propelled his movies to billion dollar records are going to come from if the planet's population were suddenly cut in half?

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