Jesse Kelly started a thread on awful stories related to Covid restrictions and the replies are truly heartbreaking
· Feb 9, 2022 ·

When people ask why some of us are so dang passionate about individual rights and dignity, and why we've been so insanely loud about Covid mandates...

This is why.

I'm gonna warn you: These are stories of physical and spiritual scars that will carry forward across decades and generations. Many of you might be able to identify with them.

But these are the stories we need to tell every time a balloonhead politician like Justin Trudeau tries to paint those against restrictions as the bad guys:

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Since the very beginning, crazy people like me have passionately and loudly defended dignity, compassion, reason, and human rights above the screeching fear-mongering of politicians and the money-hungry boardrooms at CNN and Pfizer.

For two years, we insisted – rightly, as the data shows – that Covid was not nearly as big of a threat as the restrictions that stripped people of their humanity and the will to live. For two years, we insisted – rightly, as the data shows – that lockdowns and restrictions would not save lives.

It's time that those in power be held accountable for the wreckage they left in the wake of their hubris!

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