Joe Biden is collapsing before our very eyes and it is quite terrifying
ยท Aug 9, 2022 ยท

A brief snapshot of the nation's commander-in-chief over just the last few days. First, on Monday:

That is just brutal to watch. I'm sorry. Joe Biden has kind of always been a dope in one way or another, but for most of his life he's had this sort of goofy, sweaty northeastern vitality that was charming in its own way. Yet he's just collapsing before our eyes now. It is quite awful to see.

And that was just one part of one day. Here he is elsewhere:

That's no joke. He really does seem to forget he shook Schumer's hand. He's just standing there waiting for it! That is deeply, deeply concerning.

Here he is, meanwhile, rambling about...something. I'm not sure:

Everybody is watching that like:

Seriously, this is not good. Biden is definitely an old guy โ€” he's almost 80 โ€” but this goes well beyond age and into genuine decline territory. He's losing his faculties, he's often confused, he is at times physically incapable of basic tasks, he forgets easily.

This is all very concerning stuff for a superpower to have its chief executive essentially falling off a cliff like this. At the very least, it makes us look quite bad. But it's also a significant security risk to have a man in charge of the nuclear codes when he can't even put on his own sport coat.

Biden is not well, and it's moving beyond sad to the point of being terrifying.

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