This travesty of justice is designed to make us angry, so instead of focusing on our banana republic that sentences men to 17 years away from their little daughters and ailing mothers for disturbing a fence on Nancy Pelosi's holy ground, I'm going to simply shame the clowns for what they have done.
Here's what Joe Biggs did:
U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly, who handed down Biggs' sentence, ruled earlier in the hearing that Biggs' tearing down of a fence between police and rioters qualified him for a terrorism sentencing enhancement sought by prosecutors.
And here are Black Life Matters protesters a year before at the White House, another sacred temple of muh dEmoCrAcY:
The BLM rioters are all walking free, but the J6 rioters are getting nearly 2 decades in the slammer - more time than most people get for murder in big cities these days.
Why is that?
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