Joy Reid and her cohosts spent time yesterday talking about how Trump's supporters are "just as despicable" as he is
ยท Sep 12, 2024 ยท

Man, the folx over at MSNBC are just so compassionate, aren't they? Always talking about how deplorable half of the country is and how our preferred candidate is going to "end democracy." Such empathy!

Here they were last night on Joy Reid's show, talking Trump supporters, and I'll give you a hint: They hate us.

The reason why it doesn't end his career is because his supporters are just as despicable ... He's probably the least compassionate president we've had in 200 years since Andrew Jackson. And it works for him because his supporters are just as ungenerous and having just as little compassion and empathy for others. So when he is seen out there desecrating our national symbols...his supporters also want that to be the case. They want to do that in their own lives. That's how they think of themselves ... His supporters think that being crass and classless is actually kind of cool.

Despicable: deserving hatred and contempt.

I'll tell you what, if you people in corporate media think I'm deserving of hatred and contempt, I'll wear that as a badge of honor. To be in opposition to them is to be on the right side of history.

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