Joy Reid guest says America's "real religion is whiteness and whiteness unhinged"
· Mar 31, 2021 ·

Watch MSNBC's Joy Reid agree with a professional race hustler that "whiteness" is the "real religion" of America:

Here's what he said in the convo:

"I mean, President Biden is right. This is Jim Crow, this is Jane Crow… The real religion, the real politics in America, is whiteness and whiteness unhinged… I think he's contemplating it seriously when he sees the consequences.

What he needs to do is fill these busters with some fear of the government. These are the kind of people who would pass a law to keep Jesus from getting a cup of water while he's dying on the cross."

The man, Vanderbilt University professor Michael Eric Dyson, made similar claims in an interview with Reid in December.

Let's pass over a person advocating on national TV that his political enemies should be filled with "fear of the government" for one second and the images of 20th-century genocide that statement invokes.

Outside of some fringe "church" somewhere that nearly everyone condemns, give me one example of a mainstream pastor or public figure who is being celebrated for their message of white supremacy.

Now do the opposite for pastors, celebrities, athletes, politicians, business execs, and educators preaching Marxist racial theory and intersectional wokeness.

Guarantee you'll find about 100 examples in a minute in our schools, military, corporations, banks, and grocery stores – in every single institution from the local library to the White House.

It has infiltrated every corner of American life and shows no signs of slowing its cult-like advance.

So tell me again what the "real religion" and "real politics" of America is.

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