On Monday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Castro – I mean Trudeau! – enacted emergency powers to shut down the freedom convoy protests across Canada.
Yes, after three weeks of honking, Trudeau has labeled freedom protestors "terrorists," frozen bank accounts of those donating to them, and is now going to use government power to force tow truck drivers to tow away the trucks in Ottawa.
So if you are protesting against Covid vaccine mandates, you are a terrorist. But if you belong to Antifa and burn down DOZENS of churches across Canada, that's totally fine I guess.

Matthew Schmitz took to Twitter to remind us all of the atrocities committed in Canada last year (actual violent terrorism) that the government refused to acknowledge at best, or supported at worst.
This is absolutely devastating.
Churches across Canada burned in terrorist attacks, mostly perpetrated by woke white people because they were led to believe that 215 indigenous children were murdered and buried at a Catholic church.
And now, it would appear, that entire story was made up.
There's no evidence that the mass graves exist or that the event happened at all.
So based on rumors, 68 Canadian churches were burned.
And Justin Trudeau, who is now using dictatorial powers to stop some truckers from honking, said that last year's string of terrorist attacks was bad but "fully understandable."
Trudeau doesn't actually care about "terrorism" and violent protests. It's all about who is doing the protesting.
BLM? That's totally cool, he'll march with them. Antifa arsons burning down catholic churches, "totally understandable".
Trudeau supports ACTUAL terrorists but is seizing money from peaceful protestors sitting in their trucks.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇