Just 5 House Democrats voted in favor of a bill that would require proof of US citizenship to vote in federal elections
· Jul 11, 2024 · NottheBee.com

Look at this headline.

You'd think that's a pretty bipartisan bill, right?

Well, you'd be wrong.

Just five House Democrats — you know, that party that's always talking about "saving democracy" — just five out of 213 of them voted in favor of the SAVE Act, a bill, again, "to ban noncitizens from voting in federal elections."

Take a moment to let that sink in.

House Republicans and a handful of Democrats on Wednesday approved a bill that seeks to expand proof-of-citizenship requirements to vote in federal elections and impose voter roll purge requirements on states, legislation that has been touted by former President Trump.

The legislation — formally titled the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act — cleared the chamber in a 221-198 vote, with five Democrats voting yes.

I'm just gonna tell you right now, this bill is going nowhere.


It now heads to the Senate, where it is all but certain to be ignored amid opposition from Democrats.

And if somehow it doesn't die in the Senate, President Biden — or what's left of him — says he'll veto it.

Here's why they oppose the bill — must I repeat? — that would require proof of US citizenship to vote in our federal elections.

Opponents of the bill say its core idea — establishing noncitizen voting as illegal — is redundant, and argue that its provisions will more likely lead to U.S. citizens being denied their right to vote than to preventing votes by foreign nationals.

Well, I guess if your party thinks black people don't know how to use computers you probably think minorities don't know how to prove they're US citizens either.

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