Animal Break! Watch this mama bear perform some insane acrobatics to get her cubs a little snack
· Oct 19, 2022 ·

Mama bear's gotta do what a mama bear's gotta do.

One early morning in Colorado, a couple visiting their friend's cabin woke up and went outside to admire the peaceful view. And then they saw it.

Their peaceful morning was interrupted by a "brown fuzzy animal making some commotion."

"I ran inside to wake up my husband and kids so they could see it," Beth Chiles told the Epoch Times. "When we came back out to the porch, leaving the cabin door open in case we need to make a quick escape, the bear started to crawl down the hill towards the cabin with two cute little cubs following right behind her."

And there it was. A mama bear looking to feed her cubs.

Luckily for the walking-talking-meat-sticks, the bear spotted a bird feeder.

But it was just out of those furry arms' reach.

The ruckus started when the bear started to get creative. She climbed the tree and was hanging off the branch as if she was an acrobatics performer for Cirque du Soleil.

Hanging on and balancing with grace and eventually breaking off the branch with the bird feeder, and voila! Snack time!

"She decided to climb it with the cubs following suit," Chiles said. "After making several acrobatic moves to get to the bird feeder, she finally climbed out on the branch upside down, bending it toward the ground."

My goodness, they are cute!

[Editor's Note: We feel it is our duty to remind you that bears want to kill you and will stop at nothing in their insatiable desire for world domination.]

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