I have to admit, this is seriously some of my favorite climate activism right here, and it's not just because they were targeting Taylor Swift's private jet.
Check this out, a few Just Stop Oil activists broke into the private airfield at England's Stansted Airport and took their signature orange spray paint to a few private jets, hoping one of them belonged to Taylor Swift, who, flight logs showed, had touched down there just hours earlier.

Sorry, y'all but I love this!
If there's one thing we can all get behind, Left and Right alike, it's calling out the hypocrisy of these elitists who lecture us 24/7 about climate change and then go and fly around in their private jets, spewing their "global warming" all over the place.
For the record, T-Swift's plane wasn't one of the jets seen spray painted here. It wasn't even at the airport anymore.
As for the girls with the circular saw and the spray paint:
An Essex Police spokesman said officers ‘moved quickly' to arrest a 22-year-old woman from Brighton, and a 28-year-old woman from Dumbarton on suspicion of criminal damage and interference with the use or operation of national infrastructure.
Usually I'd celebrate these activists being arrested for their shenanigans, but today they get my approval.

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇