Cautious Kamala apparently "tracks" reporters she doesn't like and I have a few thoughts
· May 18, 2021 ·

According to a profile of the wise and beneficent Kamala Harris this week in The Atlantic, the empress-to-be keeps tabs on reporters she doesn't like and has a list of anyone who has used adjectives she deems unfavorable.

From the article:

"The vice president and her team tend to dismiss reporters. Trying to get her to take a few questions after events is treated as an act of impish aggression. And Harris herself tracks political players and reporters whom she thinks don't fully understand her or appreciate her life experience. (She often mentions an episode in which a Washington Post reporter mistook the cheer of the historic Black sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha for "screeches," I was told.) She particularly doesn't like the word cautious, and aides look out for synonyms too. 'Careful', 'guarded', and 'hesitant' don't go over well."

That totally doesn't sound like something like Big Xi or Little Kimmy would do...

Think about this. You have our nation's second-in-command who shuns the press and "tracks political players and reporters" that "don't fully understand her or appreciate her life experience."

Translation: The empress doesn't like to be vexed.

Such a statement is basically Newspeak for "she keeps tabs on reporters who criticize her." No reporter can "fully understand" a politician they are covering unless all their talking points are approved by said politician in advance, which is precisely the point.

Trump made no bones about calling CNN "fake news," but my goodness can you imagine how the media would have responded if he or Pence did stuff like this?

"But she continues to retreat behind talking points and platitudes in public, and declines many interview requests and opportunities to speak for herself (including for this article)," said The Atlantic. "At times, she comes off as so uninteresting that television producers have started to wonder whether spending thousands of dollars to send people on trips with her is worthwhile, given how little usable material they get out of it."

Ouch. The Atlantic better be careful if they want to stay in our future supreme leader's good graces!

What's the excuse for her uninteresting personality and refusal to speak to the press? Why, racism and sexism, of course!

"'There's a reality of doing this work as a woman and a Black woman—and it often isn't talked about a lot publicly—that there's a presumed resilience around people who are first,' [Harris mentee Kim] Foxx told me."

It's so great that Kamala Harris is achieving the freedom and equality our forefathers once envisioned for this great country: using oppression as a club to silence all enemies and hide her character/qualification problems.

Oh, Kamala's flaccid personality and track record are also reportedly the fault of all her former staffers – you know, according to her new staffers:

"Her newest circle believes it is finally getting her on track after years of past staffers not serving her well. Some have been surprised at how much work there is to be done, whether that's briefing her on certain policy issues or helping her improve her sparring-with-journalists skills."

Or, you know, she requires that much help because she's extremely uninformed and has gained power based on her race and gender as opposed to merit and skill.

The Atlantic reassured us that Joe and Kamala – as politicians who have lived inside the Swamp for decades – are simply leaders of the people who care about you and me:

"Biden and Harris are both more interested in how regular people will feel about their decisions than how they will play among political junkies on Twitter."

I'll save you several thousand words of continued pandering (with simultaneous confusion) to zero in on this next quote:

"Pretty much everyone—reporters, members of Congress, advocates—gets confused about what the parameters of her role are."

And yet, despite the truth that's literally being thrown in their face (that Kamala Harris does little in her role and doesn't have the skills to pull off much else), The Atlantic and other outlets continue to act like deer caught in the headlights.

After all, they say, she's the first black woman to be vice president!! She cares about all the woke things! Certainly this is historic and righteous and great for the nation!

To address that, I'll leave you with this rather suburb quote from the Washington Free Beacon:

"In many ways, Harris is merely a non-white version of Hillary Clinton. Both women are possessed by ruthless ambition, yet lack the necessary skills to succeed in politics at the national level. They are most comfortable when regurgitating talking points and platitudes. Objectively speaking, they share a knack for unsettling laughter and launched their political careers by dating powerful men."

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