Last week we showed you how Vice President Kamala D. Harris was making a hideously embarrassing spectacle of herself on the national stage by falsely claiming that Florida was trying to teach that slavery had "benefits:"
This was an easily debunked claim. We debunked it! It was so easy to prove false that we barely had to lift a finger to do so. We just had to read the educational standards that Kamala herself had apparently never even glanced at.
This week, meanwhile, she's amazingly still at it. Just incredible stuff from our vice president here:
Vice President Kamala Harris is doubling down on her rebuke of new Florida education guidelines that call for the teaching of how enslaved people benefited from slavery. …
"I think that this is just a matter of whether one chooses to speak fact and truth or not, and its pretty much that simple," said Harris. "I don't think this is up to any ideological debate to say that people who were enslaved did not benefit from slavery, period."
Kamala, baby:

Seriously. There is no "ideological debate" here. Kamala is just lying! She's just spreading a falsehood that has been comprehensively, materially debunked.
One way you can tell that they're spreading a falsehood here is that most media outlets reporting on this won't actually share the educational standard in question, or if they do they plug it right near the bottom where they hope nobody will notice.
As we noted, Florida is simply teaching, in one small part of its curriculum, that slaves in the U.S. often "developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit."
Zero controversy. It's 100% factual. It's so uncontroversial that they teach literally the exact same thing in the College Board's A.P. African-American Studies course!