Kansas man goes viral for helping people in need by restoring order to their overgrown lawns for free, and it's mesmerizing to watch

Mister Retrops

May 11, 2023

Spencer B. has been in the lawn-care business in Wichita, Kansas since he was in the sixth grade.

"We would push our lawn mower down the street and go knock on some doors and get our jobs that way. This helped pay for my college."

A little over a year ago, Spencer B. decided to start mowing one lawn per week for free for someone in need and post the video to Youtube.

"Usually with lawn care, the people's doors I knock on โ€” most of the time they say โ€˜yes,' because it's someone that's unable to mow their lawn. And it's been that way for a really long time," he said.

"If they were to pay someone to do it, it's going to cost them a few hundred bucks at least. And it's either that or wait for the city to come out and fine them a whole bunch of money on their property taxes," he added.

People today are longing for a bit of positivity, and soon Spencer B. found followers flocking to his channel to watch him mow lawns for 30-40 minute chunks. Today, he has almost 3 million followers between his three YouTube channels: SB Mowing, SB Mowing - Shorts, and SB Pressure Washing.

That's three million followers in about a year and a half.

Call me skeptical, but I honestly didn't think it would be that appealing watching someone mow a yard, but I'll tell you watching this guy transform jungles into suburban lawns is fascinating.

The man is an artist.

And not only is he taking care of people's grass, he's taking care of the people too, like this veteran he raised $10,000 for with a GoFundMe.

Then he went ahead and took care of his lawn while he was there.

In addition to the Youtube ad money he gets helping people out, Spencer B. also landed a sponsorship with Hustler lawnmowers for his good deeds.

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