“Pray, sing, and read”: Kirk Cameron responds to criticism of nationwide family library event co-hosted by Riley Gaines
· Aug 2, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Christian actor Kirk Cameron has been on a crusade in recent months with one simple mission: To bring wholesome values back into public life.

He's starting with reclaiming the libraries.

Late last year, Kirk Cameron hosted his own storytime at a public library in response to the disgusting and perverted drag queen story hours hosted in many libraries and, at that event, thousands showed up to support normalcy.

Now Kirk Cameron has expanded the idea nationwide with August 5th, this Saturday, being a "See you at the Library" day through Cameron's publisher Brave Books. This is a day for families, conservatives, and Christians to show that we aren't ashamed of making a public statement in favor of reality.

Families have already booked rooms in 260 libraries in 44 states for the event.

Said Cameron, "Conservatives and Christians have complained that they don't have a seat at the cultural table" in America as of late.

"Well," he added, "we have a seat now..."

"This is exactly what the progressive groups do. They organize their communities, they assemble all of their activists and they gather in places to push their values and their agenda," Cameron told Fox News Digital.

This is an event that really gives conservatives a chance to take back cultural momentum.

Pro-women's sports advocate Riley Gaines is joining Cameron this week and the duo plans to make surprise appearances at several of the storytimes at local libraries across the US.

Of course, this event is receiving brutal backlash from the Left.

A variety of groups and individuals are issuing "calls to action" on social media, vowing to show up and promote a diverse and entirely different agenda as faith-focused and family-first Americans hold their book readings.

There are threats of interruptions by drag queen performers and those representing LGBTQI points of view and other alternative beliefs.

Of course.

Who better than a drag queen to interrupt and make sure kids aren't exposed to dangerous ideas like boys and girls are different, that pride is a bad thing, and maybe even a message like "Jesus Christ is Lord"?

And it's not just some LGBT groups. The ALA, American Library Association, has even spoken up to give libraries an excuse to cancel Kirk Cameron's event:

The American Library Association (ALA) itself has come under fire for controversial messaging during its June 8 virtual session to member libraries when it shared ways to "block" Cameron and others from holding book readings, as Fox News Digital previously reported. One option, an official ALA said, is for libraries to allow room reservations only for local library-card holders on August 5.

"Another option" for libraries, the official said, is to hold alternative programming on August 5 — thereby making spaces "unavailable for the public."

Of course, the commie unions would be opposed to good Christian values being spread to families voluntarily showing up to libraries. No one should be surprised in the least.

Cameron's response to the attacks from the Left?

Cameron and Brave Books have called on "all families who love God and love America to gather at our local public libraries to pray, sing and read Brave Books and other books of virtue," the publisher's website notes.

What a good message.

Pray. Sing. Read.

And show up at your library to support this movement.

Here's a map of participating locations.

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