Last night, Kamala said hell yes, she is going to take your AR-15s
· Aug 7, 2024 ·

Remember when they didn't used to say the quiet part out loud?

There is no such thing as an "assault weapon" (the point of a weapon is to assault, after all). The term is purposely vague so that all guns can eventually be confiscated (except the ones owned by the government, of course).

For the moment, that term is applied to semi-automatic weapons that look scary, particularly modern AR and AK rifle platforms that are cheap, easy to maintain and use, and allow people to protect their families with modern technology.

But do you think this stops at AR-15s?

The template is always the same, ladies and gents. We've got to be the dumbest people in history if we didn't learn anything from the last century. From the USSR to China to Venezuela, first they come for the guns, then they come for you.

Kamala Harris has held the same position on this for years. The fact that she's not changing or hiding her push for gun bans in a general election means she's not afraid to run on that as a major pillar of her candidacy.

The only difference now is that her VP pick is a Fudd who poses as a firearms enthusiast to try to make her seem more moderate.

If you own one of the 300+ million guns in America, you might want to vote accordingly in November.

Otherwise, we might well move into the "come and take them" phase of civilizational suicide, with this face stamped in future history books:

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