Who says we can't have nice things anymore?
Here's your latest glimmer of hope for the future, as long as you're an anti-Biden Republican. The latest poll from the Washington Post and ABC, not exactly Trump-friendly outlets, show the former President kicking the butt of the current President.

Lefties were not exactly happy with the results.
So, what's the WaPo's diagnosis for this problem?
First, it's to show Democrats that Biden should be replaced, as the media has been trying to push for weeks. BIden's too old, he's a bad candidate, Democrats beware.
Secondly, the Washington Post wants you to think this poll is inaccurate. They themselves say this is an outlier.
The Post-ABC poll shows Biden trailing Trump by 10 percentage points at this early stage in the election cycle, although the sizable margin of Trump's lead in this survey is significantly at odds with other public polls that show the general election contest a virtual dead heat. The difference between this poll and others, as well as the unusual makeup of Trump's and Biden's coalitions in this survey, suggest it is probably an outlier.
They're discrediting their own poll because it shows that Donald Trump is popular.
That's the direction we're going here. The pollers are saying "don't trust the polls!"

Let's get into a few other data points. First, this poll showing how unpopular Creepy Joe is:
Then there's the 85% of Americans who say life is mediocrely the same or worse under the Biden regime:
Finally, we have the latest Real Clear Politics average of ALL the major polls, which shows that Trump is still leading Biden, but it's within the margin of error with Trump leading by 1.2%.
If you're Trump, I'd be worried less about the margin of error and more about the margin of "middle-of-the-night vote dumps."
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