When women are mistreated by men it's a huge deal to lefties, and they usually come out in support of the woman, because patriarchy. That is, of course, unless that woman is Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert.
When a conservative woman is abused by a man it's all gravy to the Left, and they'll even blame the conservative woman for the abuse. It's amazing.
Take this weekend for example. Boebert had just picked up her son from her ex-husband Jayson's place. Her ex-husband, according to reports, at one point went in for a hug, which Lauren rejected by pushing Jayson away. Later in the night, Jayson wanted to talk about the misunderstanding, so the couple met at a restaurant in Lauren's hometown, her being afraid of meeting Jayson in private where she might be unsafe.
And when the former couple met for a drink, well, it did not go well.
Inside, at the table, Jayson Boebert apparently started "being disrespectful," "being an a******," and getting "lewd," the aide relayed. The alleged behavior revolted Lauren Boebert, but that seemed to make her ex more aggressive, the aide said. There was then apparently a physical altercation of indeterminate severity.
Jayson Boebert "made a motion" towards his ex-wife, "to grab her." It was "an aggressive move, not romantic," the aide relayed.
As Lauren Boebert described it, the aide said, she tried again to keep him back and in the process "put her hand in his face, put her hand on his nose." (The Muckrackers' post describes a violent confrontation, with the congresswoman landing two punches on her ex's nose. The aide said that Boebert maintains she didn't punch him.)
Jayson Boebert, apparently outraged, called the police, claiming that he was "a victim of domestic violence," the Boebert aide said. Lauren Boebert then called the non-emergency number and told the police there was no domestic violence, and that she'd be happy to speak with an officer at the restaurant.
The police did come, but they arrested no one, the aide said, adding that a friend drove Boebert home, and that she and her former husband were both safe.
Jayson has dropped all charges, so we can bet that the "she punched me in the face" story is all but dead (though liberals will still find humor in it).
Regardless, this story is a bit embarrassing for Boebert. But you'd think the Left would have some dignity and come out in support of a woman defending herself against an aggressive male, wouldn't you?
Well, you'd be wrong, because lefties only care about women when it's convenient.
Here are some examples of how leftists took this Boebert news:
All this for defending herself against a violent man.
See, I told you leftists only care about women when they're the right kind of women. Typical leftist ideology right there, only if it's convenient do we support the underprivileged.
Y'all know if this was AOC or basically any woman on the Left, they'd be out here screaming about the patriarchy and domestic violence.
But not if it's a Republican!
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