LeBron's Lakers are playing so bad that they're being booed at home and mouthing off to their own fans
· Mar 2, 2022 · NottheBee.com

To a lot of folks, the Lakers' 2021 starting lineup looked a whole lot like a dream team of sorts. Russell Westbrook joined LeBron James and Anthony Davis, which led some to draw comparisons to LeBron's old Miami Heat team and their "Big Three," who won two NBA Finals and also lost two between 2011 and 2014.

Yet this year's team has been anything but championship-caliber; they're playing more like a nightmare squad than a dream team. Plagued with injuries and a basic lack of chemistry, the team is 27-34 and would barely make the new 20-team playoff if it started today.

The fans in L.A. are not happy, so it's no wonder the boo birds are making their way into the Crypto.com Arena.

Now that's one thing. Your all-star team is playing like garbage, so you give em the boos since you paid big money for your seats.

Perfectly normal!

Here's something extra embarrassing: Instead of stepping up their game and working on their chemistry, the Lakers are just barking back at their dissatisfied fans as if it's somehow their fault that the team isn't performing well.

[Language warning]

Lousy. Just absolutely lousy.

With one of the best rosters in basketball, you'd think LeBron and the Lake Show would be rolling into the playoffs with a huge target on their back. Instead, they are looking more and more like a team that misses a 20-team playoff.

This makes me sad.

As a sports fan, I honestly hope these three can spend some more time on the court together and turn this thing around. But with the Queen of LA on the floor, I highly doubt that will happen.

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