If you ever pull your hair and gnash your teeth and ask yourself, "What will it take for these liberals to just see common sense for once?!" — well, sometimes common sense just comes up and slaps them right in their faces:
A Washington, D.C., police officer on Wednesday narrowly thwarted an attempted carjacking at Union Station, where dozens of left-wing activists were protesting in favor of dramatically reduced penalties for carjacking and other crimes. ...
"I come out of Union Station and walk into an attempt[ed] car robbery," freelance journalist Andrew Leyden wrote in a Twitter post that included a video of the incident. "Delivery driver left car running and guy jumped in. Another person saw it and called over cop. Robber fled off, running past the D.C. Criminal Reform protest outside (seriously)."
It's no joke, there's video footage!
And how did the protesters themselves fare? Just as ironically, actually:
Marchers had gone for less than a block when U.S. Capitol police officers on bicycles moved to cut them off, ordering protesters to the sidewalk on threat of arrest. The march took to the street again at Constitution Avenue, stopping traffic at the intersection with First Street.
There, more than a dozen activists refused multiple orders from police to clear the street and risked arrest to promote their cause. In a tweet following the event, Capitol police said 16 people were arrested for obstructing the roadway. They were processed on the Capitol lawn and released soon after.
We can all use a good chuckle every now and then!