Here we are, ladies and gentlemen:

Yes, "UK's biggest cervical cancer charity shuts down disgustingly transphobic lie that ‘only females get cervical cancer'" is a real headline from a real news article from an LGBT outlet called Pink News.
Here are some highlights:
? "Anyone with a cervix can get cervical cancer – so people with cervixes should attend regular screenings with their GP. This includes trans men, trans masculine people, intersex people and non-binary people, as well as some trans women who have had gender confirmation surgery."
? "Another person said: 'So the TERFs got #OnlyFemalesGetCervicalCancer trending. Not to raise awareness about cancer, but to make trans men feel bad. THAT'S how sh**ty and awful they are.'"
? "'Transphobes weaponising cervical cancer just so they can transphobe harder is undoubtedly the most vile thing I've seen in a while,' tweeted one cis lesbian. 'They would rather see trans men, intersex and non-binary folks dead than see them screened. This is so unnecessary.'"
? "Several people said 'RIP your mentions' to Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust after its trans-inclusive tweet, in acknowledgement of how fiercely transphobes fight to stop trans people being included in healthcare discussions."
They then end it with a slew of embedded tweets that include such gems as:
? "Cervical cancer is rare & treatable if caught through screening. Anyone with a Cervix is at risk. This includes Cis Women with a cervix, including those with neo vaginas for vaginal Agenesis, Trans men, Non Binary people with a cervix, & Trans women."