LGBT protesters have taken over the Speaker of the House's office to demand support for global AIDS program ... when do they get 20 years for insurrection?
ยท Sep 11, 2023 ยท

LGBT protesters have stormed into Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy's office to demand Republican support for a global AIDS program.

I'm sure McCarthy is fearing for his life right now! His office has been taken over by radical domestic extremists! It's an insurrection!

At least the Capitol Police have arrested the group of HIV-positive protesters.

The legal precedent has been established.

The man who propped his feet on the Speaker of the House's desk on January 6th got four and a half years in prison. And he didn't even bother anyone.

The man who took Pelosi's podium from one area of the capital to the other got 75 days in prison.

Other people are getting 22 years even when they weren't there.

Republicans, your job is not just to have these clowns thrown out of the Capitol. Charge them like the Republicans on J6 were charged and throw them in jail.

(Yeah, we know that's never going to happen...)

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