Libraries across the country will let men in lingerie read to kids about sex, but they won’t let Kirk Cameron read his book about God and family

Harris Rigby

Dec 7, 2022

Conservative Christian actor Kirk Cameron is not being allowed to read his book at more than 50 libraries across the country because, instead of parading around in front of children in women's underwear, he wants to read to them from his book about faith.

So much for David French's "blessings of liberty."

With a new children's book out that celebrates family, faith and biblical wisdom, actor-writer-producer Kirk Cameron cannot reach scores of American children or their families in many U.S. cities via the public library system because over 50 public libraries have either outright rejected him or not responded to requests on his behalf.

A story-hour program for kids and parents connected to new book releases is an activity that many libraries typically present to their patrons and communities.

Many of the same libraries that won't give Cameron a slot, however, are actively offering "drag queen" story hours or similar programs for kids and young people, according to Cameron's book publisher and according to a review of the libraries' websites and current program listings.

It's inappropriate, according to many of your taxpayer-funded local libraries, to host an event that features a book about faith. But if the book is about Tommy having two dads being read by a dude in women's underwear and dancing for tips, that's totally acceptable.

We live in a society where bringing children to sexualized events is celebrated while Biblical Christianity is attacked.

Some library programs promote gender fluidity, inclusion and diversity. Others offer "name change" clinics for older teens and adults who want to alter their official paperwork for gender-identity reasons.

Brave Books, Cameron's publisher, shared details of the story-hour requests — and the rejections received to date — with Fox News Digital exclusively this week.

The Rochambeau Public Library in Providence, Rhode Island, for instance, told Cameron and his book publisher by phone, "No, we will pass on having you run a program in our space."

It's sad and disgusting that we've gotten to the place in our society where I would NEVER drop my kids off at a public library for any reason.

As a kid, my mom would just leave us at the library and we could go to programs, read books, play on the computer.

Those days are over.

"We are a very queer-friendly library. Our messaging does not align," the library worker also told Brave Books.

When the publisher asked the library official about filling out the proper form to apply for a story-hour slot, the individual replied, "You can fill out the form to reserve space, to run the program in our space — but we won't run your program."

On its website, Rochambeau Public Library promotes a regular offering for young people called "Queer Umbrella."

These librarians sure seem a lot like groomers.

Brave Books, as part of its extensive outreach to libraries for Kirk Cameron's new book, also contacted the City Heights/Weingart Branch Library in San Diego, California, hoping to be able to schedule Cameron for a story-hour program.

The publisher explained that this would be for "Kirk Cameron and his new children's book ‘As You Grow.'"

But the library representative told Cameron's publisher, "I don't think that's something that we would do."

The library employee added, "Because of how diverse our community is, I don't know how many people you would get."

Yet the same San Diego Library system actively hosts a number of "LGBTQIA events" that go beyond Pride Month, it notes on its website.

The library system "collaborates" with other organizations to provide resources. It also hosts a teen queer book club, its website says.

If the clientele of the library was actually "diverse" that would mean they wouldn't have a problem hosting Cameron and finding an audience for his book. However, "diversity" in woke lingo actually just means leftists who all agree.

Cameron reached out to 50 libraries, and the Fox story gives details around many of them, but NONE so far have offered to host the well known Christian.

It's almost as if society and cultural systems are all actively hostile to Christians.

Also, this is SO close to being ap prophecy fulfilled that I have to include this:

Reality is even CRAZIER than a Babylon Bee story because Kirk couldn't even find a library to host him.

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