Listen to this 911 dispatcher talk about “32 Venezuelans” that stormed a Chicago apartment building
· Sep 3, 2024 ·

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Caller says 32 Venezuelans are trespassing in the building, they are showing guns in the courtyard and they have motorcycles in the courtyard as well, all stairwells are filled.

This call sounds similar to reports of what's been going on in Aurora, Colorado, where Venezuelan gangs allegedly took over entire apartment buildings.

The internet reacted:

But wait, it gets even worse.

It appears police weren't even dispatched to the location until an hour after the call, and they didn't show up until 2 hours later:

Of course, by the time the cops showed up 2 hours later, they didn't find anything, according to this journalist from The Chicago Tribune:

That's right: after the police waited for 2 hours for everyone to leave, they finally showed up and found nothing.

The gang wars in Chiraq are about to ramp up to a level you've never seen before.

[Warning: Language]

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