LOL: The guy who says he wants to "take your AR-15" says he's against CRT as he runs for Texas governor πŸ˜‰
Β· Mar 14, 2022 Β·

Skateboarder brah Robert Francis O'Rourke wants you to believe he's not super radical anymore, guys.

See, "Beto" opposes Critical Race Theory now (which definitely wasn't being taught in schools but if it were, it should be allowed cuz 'Murica is the most evil nation on the planet).

Wow, look at that! It's amazing how you can be pseudo-conservative the moment you're running for one of America's most Constitutionally-friendly states.

I'm sure Beto isn't just acting like a Trojan Horse so he doesn't have to fess up to his real beliefs... right?

More from Fox:

O'Rourke spoke to a crowd of Texas in Victoria on Friday, where he was asked about critical race theory's appropriateness for being taught in grade schools. O'Rourke at first dodged the issue, telling a crowd member that the concepts of CRT are not being taught in schools at present.

"And I think you and I are probably on the same page as well. We don't see CRT being taught in our schools right now. It is a course that is taught in law schools," O'Rourke said.

Immediately after his comment, a member of the audience asked if O'Rourke supported CRT in schools, to which the gubernatorial candidate said, "No, I don't think [CRT] should be taught in our schools."

Such a classy guy (GIF language warning):

Republicans are united around the issue of CRT, while the Manhattan Institute released a report showing how divisive it is to the Democratic base. The wokie wokes love neo-Marxist struggle sessions as much as they love killing preborn kids, but the majority of the blue-collar Democratic base is still unaware that their party isn't the working man's platform from yesteryear (hint: it never was).

This confusion over CRT (AKA parents finally getting fed up with this crap) is why Virginia now has a Republican governor.

Because of this, Beto's gotta do a 180ΒΊ faster than that sick aerial he landed on the halfpipe last weekend with the broskis.

After all, he wouldn't want to give away how he wants to "California" Texas, now would he???

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