Louisiana Senate Republican kills bill to protect kids from sex change operations
· May 25, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Louisiana was about to become the latest state to legislate against so-called "gender-affirming" care, banning surgeries and drugs that permanently and irreversibly damage kids, but, wouldn't you know it, one slimy Republican stood in the way.

After the House passed a bill banning trans surgeries and treatments on kids the bill went to the senate and was killed by one vote, courtesy of "Republican" Senator Fred Mills.

Mills is a pharmacist and he thinks that we should trust doctors and pharmacists like himself to make these decisions and permanently damage children for ideological purposes.

Shocker, I know, that a politician with a clear financial motivation to kill this bill decided to kill the bill.

Republicans have just a one-vote majority in Louisiana's senate, allowing Mills to effectively kill the legislation.

Mills, a pharmacist, said during Wednesday's vote that he trusts physicians more than legislators to make medical decisions that are in the best interest of patients.

"I always in my heart of hearts have believed that a decision should be made by a patient and a physician," Mills said.

Of course, if this is Mills' philosophy then he would presumably oppose all laws regulating doctors altogether. If they can mutilate kids for ideological purposes and line their pocketbooks why can't they start doing lobotomies again?

Obviously, Mills doesn't believe that legislators shouldn't legislate. But he does think that they shouldn't write laws that affect his money-maker, the pharmaceutics industry.

The bill was unlikely to go beyond the senate as Democrat Governor Jon Bel Edwards lobbied against the bill, even as he allowed a ban on men in women's sports to go into effect last year.

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