Maine man saws neighbor's garage in half over property line dispute
· Jul 26, 2020 ·
Gabriel Brawn/Facebook

The Bible has a lot to say about how to interact with one's neighbor. A few of those verses might have come in handy in this situation. Instead, if there was just one verse this sad tale takes to heart, it would be Deuteronomy 27:17:

‘Cursed is the one who moves his neighbor's boundary marker.' Then all the people will say, ‘Amen!'

Like many of history and literature's greatest feuds, this one involves two families: the Brawns and the Ritters. In 2012, Gabriel Brawn moved back to Dover-Foxcroft, Maine, into the very house he'd lived in as a kid. He and his wife initially had no issues with the Ritters next door. After Steve Ritter passed away in 2016, however, his wife began renting out the property. The Brawns had a variety of issues with the new tenants. These issues were apparently so severe that they even tried to buy the property off the Ritters.

Tensions grew until 2020, the year that just keeps giving. In April, the Brawns put down a layer of wood chips on the side of their property to help with traction while hauling out tree branches. One of the Ritters' sons saw this as an encroachment on his family's territory. In defiance, he put a stake next to the pile and told the Brawns to get the wood chips off his property.

In response, the Brawns hired not one, but two surveyors, who returned with a surprising revelation: not only was the pile of wood chips well within the Brawns' property line, but half of the Ritters' driveway and garage was also within the Brawns' property line.

In good neighborly fashion, Gabriel Brawn responded as anyone might: he hauled out his trusty Sawzall and literally cut the Ritters' garage in half.

The result?

When interviewed by local media, Gabriel Brawn's wife had this to say: "We're putting up a fence. Fences make good neighbors. That's what we've learned from this."

There you have it folks. Another great example of loving your neighbor as yourself. Well done, everyone!

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